Far Cry 4 Only 1 Save Slot
Jun 05, 2018 I really don't get why Ubisoft games have this save system. I just lost 35 Hours of gameplay in Far Cry 5, and when i tried to look if i could recover it. There was no way. It was too late. Why the hell won't ubisoft have more Slot Saves at a time? In Far Cry 5 you only have 1 Save. And when you want to start up a new fresh game, you need to completely delete your save file. That's the key word. So it's only there to reward the players that are nuts for playing the game until they write out Farcry with projectile vomit. There is NOT 3 save slots there is only 1 you can have as many as you want if you shut off the stupid cloud save setting in the u play client and back up your own saves manually.
Far Cry 4 Only 1 Save Slot Machine
Hey Ubisoft
Could you add some more save slots to the game?
I find it very weird that you cant start a new game without deleting everything you have already completed.
It is like you didnt expect anyone to play this game more than once...
That also gives the opportunity to actually use af certain slot(or more) to play the story with a friend without destroying your own solo story.
Im pretty suprised that it wasnt there when the game came out as it is pretty common in almost every campaign game.